Tell the government: refugees need Routes To Safety

2024 has become the deadliest year in the Channel. 52 people have already died, risking their lives on unseaworthy boats because there are no safe routes to the UK. This isn’t just a tragedy - it’s preventable.

Years of harsh anti-refugee policies have done nothing but force people fleeing war and violence into ever more dangerous, deadly journeys. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We’ve fought and won before, and we can do it again. We need to push the Government to open safe routes now—before more lives are lost. Add your name today and demand action.


  • What are safe routes?

    Safe routes are essential legal pathways that allow people fleeing war and persecution to reach safety and family without risking dangerous journeys. These include refugee resettlement programs, family reunification, and humanitarian visas. Without these routes, many refugees are forced to rely on ruthless smugglers. Expanding safe routes can save lives, prevent human trafficking, and allow governments to manage refugee arrivals effectively and compassionately.

  • What we're asking for

    The best way to prevent dangerous journeys and break the grip of smugglers is to create safe routes for refugees. But the UK's hostile environment makes these routes a distant dream for most. That's why we demand:

    ✔️ Pilot a refugee visa to allow refugees to come to the UK safely to seek protection
    ✔️ Fix existing routes, like family reunion and the Afghan and Ukraine resettlement schemes
    ✔️ Restore the right to seek safety in the UK
    ✔️ Renew international cooperation to support refugees

    Read our report to find out more.

  • What you can do

    We can achieve real change when we come together! Our collective pressure has already secured significant victories for separated Afghan families and child refugees. But there’s still much more to do to prevent needless deaths in the Channel.

    We'll be sharing more ways you can support the campaign, so make sure to sign up to our mailing list and follow us on social media!



  • Marsela L 22.03.2025 11:56
  • Jane N 19.03.2025 21:34
  • Christine E 14.03.2025 06:58
  • Bartolomeo B 13.03.2025 16:07
  • Charlie W 13.03.2025 05:43
  • Chris G 12.03.2025 18:30